Assignment 2: Critical Thinking Essay
Assignment 2: Critical Thinking Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your theoretical understanding of the stress and it’s impact on an athlete.
Read Critical Thinking Question Number 1 on pg.76 of your textbook and answer the question in a 1-2 page essay that meets these additional requirements:Expand on Seyle’s notion of good and bad stress to explain your position on this theory.
Use the assertion by Lazurus relating to the discrete nature of emotion to further evalaute Seyle’s ideas.
Support your answer with relevant and scholarly appropriate sources.Write the analysis in 1–2 pages and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file M6_A2_LastName_CriticalThinkingEssay.doc.
Submit it by the due date assigned to the Submissions Area.All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsThoroughly evaluated the ideas presented by Seyle using the Lazurus’ assertion on the discrete nature of emotion.
16Expanded on Seyle’s notion of good and bad stress to explain your position on this theory.
12Clearly and concisely defended your position on this topic.10Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.