Alcohol consumption


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I am interested in a chronic disease called alcohol-related liver diseases (ARLD) and its association with alcohol by using the cohort longitudinal study design. ARLD is a disease where damages are done to the liver caused by the long duration of excessive drinking. The alcohol causes the liver to become inflamed and swollen leaving scars on the liver called cirrhosis. A cohort longitudinal study will observe the outcome of diseases on the exposed and unexposed group and comparing the data to understand the risk of the alcohol on ARLD (Osna et al., 2017; Celentano& Szklo, 2019).

The risk factor of ARLD is chronic excessive drinking of alcohol over a long period of time. To asses this factor, two groups will be observed in a laboratory setting, the exposed group are lab rats who consume 5-10 bottles of beer a day for 2 years. The unexposed group will be lab rats who consume a mild to moderate amount of alcohol (1-2 beer a day) for 2 years. Over 2-years, the exposed group developed symptoms of ARLD, such as inflammation and swelling of the liver, fat accumulating around the liver, and liver failure. Therefore, the exposed groups’ relative risk and odds ratio are greater than 1, demonstrating that alcohol is a risk of ARLD (Osna et al., 2017; Celentano& Szklo, 2019).