Aging and Homelessness

Directions –


Have you ever heard the old adage that A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words? We are continually surrounded by visual images; images that we use to communicate thoughts, facts, emotions, meaning. Our ability to understand and make meaning of these images is referred to as Visual literacy, and it is an important element in the way that we understand our world today. Visual Essays articulate a visual narrative from images that might otherwise take lengthy passages of text to convey. Some text may be included, however, it is very brief and its purpose is to add context or descriptive bits of prose to guide the viewer to the intended meaning. Often, this can be accomplished with a descriptive title, or short caption. Tip: more is not necessarily better – it is about the relevance and meaning of your images, not about the quantity.


Visual essays help to tell a story, present an issue or provoke thoughtful reflection through pictures and images. They are often used to capture the human experience of social problems or powerful events that shape our society or world views, or to tell a personal story, or illustrate the way that we understand conditions of our fellow man, or our surrounding community or environment. Visual Essays may include one or more images. They are meant to convey in carefully selected images a narrative that might otherwise take many lines or paragraphs of text.