Mediacl Assisstance in Dying Program

Your research: Educate yourself on the background and issues surrounding the debate and the current legal status of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada and Nova Scotia. A good place to start is Dalhousie’s Health Law Institute’s website for End-of-Life Law & Policy in Canada: . You may also look up news stories by professional journalists on quality Canadian news websites such as the Globe and Mail, CBC News, Maclean’s, National Post, etc. Your sources don’t have to be “academic” ones, but avoid popular news sites like MSN, CNN, Huffington Post, etc. Note: For Forum #2 you need to post your own paper first before you can read your classmates’ postings. Do this in the first week of the forum period. What to Write: Aim for ~400 words plus bibliography. 1. Write a short summary of what the requirements and eligibility criteria are today in Canada for having a medically assisted death. (100-150 words) 2. Include a brief explanation of some of the positions/views both for and against doctor-assisted death. What are some of the current issues that people have today on MAiD? (100-150 words) 3. Think through your own thoughts and opinions on where you stand on the issue and why. Do you agree with it? Do you think the bill goes too far, or not far enough? Why? Write this up. (100-150 words) 4. Include a bibliography of sources used, and use in-text citations throughout. You may use either MLA or APA format.