Diet and Cancer


Nutrition Research Paper (100 points):You will write a short paper (4+ pages of writing) about a nutrition topic from the list provided in Blackboard. Your paper should contain at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles as sources. Your paper should explain & discuss the major points of each reference. For research articles, discuss the research design, major findings, and major conclusions. Include your own evaluation of the information in these articles: What, in your opinion, is the significance of the information or findings in your 3 articles?

Nutrition Topic Ideas: any essential nutrient (a vitamin or mineral, or a carbohydrate, protein, or fat), a health risk (or risks) of poor vitamin D status, calcium & bone health, folate & pregnancy, diet and cancer risk, diet & blood pressure, health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, pros and cons of vegetarianism (or meat eating), organic foods and nutrition, health effects of sugar, health effects of caffeine (or coffee), health benefits of nut consumption, the Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet, diet and dementia risk, health benefits of a phytochemical (find one to write about), health effects of a sweetener (pick one), health effects of dietary fiber, health effects of probiotics, energy metabolism, vitamin D and stress fractures, Creatine supplements for athletes, female athlete triad, energy drinks, effects of breakfast consumption for children, obesity prevention in children, nutrition requirements of athletes (such as body builders or endurance athletes), and many more! Find a nutrition topic that interests you!