Ethics and the Physical Therapy Profession

Write a reflection paper on How Our Choices Can Lead to Unethical Practices in the Future with a focus

on ethics and the meaning of being a physical therapy professional.

 This should be submitted as a formal paper include the following:

1) synthesis of a thorough

review of the literature,

2) application information gleaned from the APTA Professionalism

Modules (1-3 (ATTACHED) ) and

3) a reflection of the completed attached “Professional Behaviors Assessment


The parameters of the paper are listed below:

Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 pages double-spaced 12 font in Times New Roman

Minimum of 10 references from academic journals within the last 10 years

Must reference the PT Code of Ethics, APTA Professionalism Modules and Professional

Behaviors Assessment Form in the paper. (The Professional Behaviors Assessment Form

must be submitted along with the paper)