Role Play as a Data Analytics Professional

Role Play as a Data Analytics Professional

You are going to apply for a position as a Data Analytics Professional in the health information management department of your local hospital. This assignment requires you to gather information about the knowledge and expertise necessary to be hired as a Data Analytics Professional. You are welcome to use your textbook and other resources (e.g., when preparing this assignment.

Summarize your findings using MS Word, and be sure to include why an HIM professional is the best person to fill the role of Data Analytics Professional. You really want this job because it is interesting and pays well.

Specifically, the MS Word document that you prepare should include the following elements:

  • Overview about the functions of a Data Analytics Professional in an HIM department.
  • Qualifications and knowledge required of an individual who will apply for the position of a Data Analytics Professional.
  • Characteristics of a health information management professional that helps meet the requirements for the position of Data Analytics Professional.

Please be sure to use proper APA formatting and cite any sources used for this assignment.