a 5-day menu plan of healthy meals 

a 5-day menu plan of healthy meals

Your task is to plan a 5-day menu of healthy meals for one of the scenarios listed below. This assignment is designed to promote healthy eating with limited resources/income. In order to complete this assignment successfully you must:

  • Introduction:Based on the scenario you’ve chosen start by determining and discussing all RDA values for the macronutrients and micronutrients for the selected individual. See appendix A in your book for RDA values. They can also be found here: Nutrient Recommendations: Dietary Reference IntakesLinks to an external site.
  • Provide a scholarly reference for your information. Use can use the Library Resources on the left-hand navigation bar of this course. Scroll down to Special Resources: then choose Nursing reference center plus.
  • Using MyFitness Pal prepare a 5-day menu consisting of 3 meals, 2 snacks, and beverages per day being sure to stick as closely to the budgets listed in the scenario as possible.
  • Provide a detailed breakdown of all items purchased and their price. Include a final total at the end. Go to a local grocery store and use their prices or utilize online food shopping apps to get an idea of item price. Ex Meal:
    • 1-pound of 85/15 Ground Beef: $4.85
    • 1 russet potato: $.98
    • Fresh broccoli: $2.98
    • Tap Water: $0
  • Finish up with a summary. Include the following in your summary:
    • How well you were able to stay on budget while also meeting the person’s RDA needs each day? If you were unable to do so explain why. See appendix A in your book for RDA values.
    • What is the impact of socioeconomic status on adequate nutrition and health? Prove a scholarly reference for the impact.
    • What did you find difficult about this project?
    • Provide a scenario in which you can see needing to budget for yourself, family, or a patient? How has this assignment better prepared you to do so?

Note: As with any written assignment, this should be completed utilizing proper APA format throughout.


Scenario #1: Nancy Whitaker is 67 years old. She retired from her job one year ago after many years. She receives her monthly pension, of $670 a month, plus her Social Security check of $840, for a total monthly income of $1510.00. After rent, electric/water/phone bills, and medical payments, she has $50 a week to spend on groceries for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What can Nancy purchase at the grocery store to feed her breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack under his daily budget?

Scenario #2: Jerry Smith is a single 53-year-old man who lives in a boarding house, he receives General Assistance which pays his rent and receives $187 in food stamps. He has about $46 per week to spend on meals for himself. What can Jerry purchase at the grocery store to feed him breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack under his daily budget?

Scenario #4: Bill Blevin is a 34-year-old disabled veteran, who receives a military pension. Due to his disability Bill cannot drive, and lives in an area that is not easily accessible to the larger grocery stores. After his monthly expenses Bill is left with $240 a month or $60 a week to purchase food for himself. What can Bill purchase at the grocery store to feed him breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack under his daily budget?

Scenario #4: Sofía Hernandez is a 21-year-old student who works part-time and attends school full-time. She lives in a boarding house and prepares her own meals separately from her roommates. She has a small refrigerator and a microwave oven she primarily uses to prepare her meals. Her budget to buy food is about $200 a month or $50 a week depending on her expenses. What can Sofia purchase at the grocery store to feed her breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack under his daily budget?

Note: In these scenarios you can use the entire weekly budget for the 5-day menu you are planning. 

(USLOs 4.5, 5.5, 6.5)


1) Upload your Myfitness Pal report like we did in assignment 1.  (Create your 5-day meal plan in Myfitness Pal. Go to the website and generate this 5-day report and download, save, then upload into this assignment)

2) Write your paper over this assignment and upload this as a separate document.

This paper should include.

    • your intro
    • which scenario you picked and those details
    • The itemized list of food prices – put this in whatever format you like
    • Were you able to meet the RDA values for the macro & micro molecules?
    • Where did you shop?
    • Were you able to stay on budget?
    • What is the impact of socioeconomic status on adequate nutrition and health? Prove a scholarly reference for the impact – this is the article that you found and your summary of the impact.
    • What did you find difficult about the project?
    • Provide a scenario in which you can see needing to budget for yourself, your family, or a patient? How has this assignment better prepared you to do so?