Personal Theory


Theory becomes more useful when you can specifically identify how a concept will be measured in practice.  In this module, we will examine empirical indicators and operational definitions to make theory concepts useful.



Discussion Prompt

Use the theory that you developed in week two.  Improve it by using the information you have obtained in the intervening weeks.  Use the Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical Model (CTE) to link the operational definitions with the empirical indicators with the theoretical concepts and the conceptual model components.  Post your revised theory and explain how you would measure the concepts and proposition in a research study.



  • Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years






As a dialysis nurse, I am committed to providing care to patients with end-stage renal conditions. I also help clear toxins from the patient’s body and educate them on the significance of treatment adherence and self-care strategies to ensure improved patient outcomes. I also evaluate the patient’s reactions to the proposed treatment and medications and oversee the dialysis process. It is noteworthy that the number of people living with chronic kidney disease is increasing. Therefore, dialysis helps remove waste, extra water, salt to avoid toxic buildup in the body. While providing dialysis to patients, it is essential to apply concepts to improve patient experience and outcomes.


As a dialysis nurse, I have observed that patient education (Concept A) helps (Proposition) empower patients, encourage adherence to recommended treatment and medications, and implement self-care strategies (Concept B). Narva et al. (2016) mentioned that educating patients living with chronic kidney disease helps create sufficient knowledge that enables patient empowerment, self-management, and treatment and medication adherence. Educating patients with chronic kidney disease empowers them in decision-making regarding available treatment options (van Eck Van Der Sluijs et al., 2021). It is worth mentioning that patients with chronic kidney disease expect sufficient knowledge of the condition and treatment. They also need to understand effective practice advice that would improve their health outcomes.


Patient education supported by clinical guidelines is associated with improved patient outcomes. It also plays a pivotal role in patient-centered care by allowing patients to channel their issues and concerns regarding chronic kidney disease. Narva et al. (2016) added that patient education helps build the nurse-patient relationship and encourages patients to implement effective self-management strategies. Adhering to complex medications and treatment helps the patient with chronic kidney disease avoid nephrotoxins. Narva et al. (2016) established that patients with dialysis knowledge are more likely to utilize permanent arteriovenous at the start of dialysis.



Narva, A. S., Norton, J. M., & Boulware, L. E. (2016). Educating patients about CKD: The path to self-management and patient-centered care. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 11(4), 694–703.

van Eck Van Der Sluijs, A., Vonk, S., van Jaarsveld, B. C., Bonenkamp, A. A., & Abrahams, A. C. (2021). Good practices for dialysis education, treatment, and eHealth: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 16(8), e0255734.