Short Health Delivery Systems

Short Health Delivery Systems


Allied Health professionals view the healthcare system as both users (patients) and givers (workers). You may have a unique view of the US health care environment. You may see health care problems where you work or experienced them personally. What aggravates you in your role as patient, may be the very same problem you help create as a deliverer of health care. This puts you in a unique position to understand the problems and advocate for change.

Examine problems in the US health care system.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Choose a priority population (
  • Identify three serious barriers for your population
  • Discuss why you consider these barriers important
  • Using your text and other course resources investigate ways to eliminate each of these three barriers


Health Care Errors

Review this video again if needed:

In response to a seminal report that 100,000 patients die each year due to healthcare errors the Institute of Medicine (IOM) developed the 100,000 Lives Campaign.

You may have experienced a medical error or know someone who has. The error might have been the wrong medication, misdiagnosis, a preventable infection.

Analyze errors in health care.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Review the two links in this discussion
  • Summarize the errors in the Susan Sheridan Video
  • Outline the focus of the 100,000 Lives Campaign
  • Discuss what you will do to avoid errors