Adult Health
Question 1
Patient history includes:
Works 16 hours a day and last vacation was 3 years ago
Drinks 4-6 cups of coffee daily
Smokes 10-20 cigarettes a day depending on how stressful his day is
Used to exercise, but “now is too busy”
Eats most meals out daily.
The ED physician suspects that the patient The nurse is teaching the patient about the following tests and the patient is asking why each one is ordered. Using your book, explain to the patient why each of these diagnostic tests has been ordered. Which one should be completed first and why?
CT scan of the head without contrast
MRI of the brain
MRA of the brain
Question 2
Identify the patient’s risk for stroke and how each increases his risk.
Question 3
The patient is being considered for fibrinolytic therapy. What is fibrinolytic therapy and what are the major concerns and contraindications? What must be known before fibrinolytic therapy can be considered?
Question 4
The patient has been diagnosed with an ischemic stroke and received the fibrinolytic TPA and spendt the first 24 hours in the ICU and is now transferred to the stroke unit. The patient has some residual weakness on the R side, but is otherwise free of long-term disability. And patient has been told he has uncontrolled hypertension and hypercholesteremia and will be discharged home with some outpatient physical therapy.
The nurse is teaching the patient about the medications he will go home on. Explain why the patient is being discharged on the following medications
An antihypertensive
A statin
Low dose Aspirin
Question 5
The nurse is completing discharge teaching and plans to teach the patient how to reduce the risk of having another stroke Considering the risk factors of this patient, what should the nurse teach the patient?