2 slides with speaker notes and two questions
Beck Depression Inventory–II
(2slides) Describes its purposes and uses in a clinical setting.
Respond to two class mates below. With a word count of 75-10 words
Tinnna Sanders
Whenever there are assessments that are done, one must always consider the ethical ramifications that are involved with each and every assessment. As with all things, ethical consideration should govern everything we do to ensure that one’s rights are always considered and never violated, and to ensure that one’s views are always considered. As this relates to assessments and writing psychological reports, the key things to remember when trying to ensure ethical standards are adhered to, is first topic of the assessment. While there are many different assessments that have many different focal points, one should be sure that the assessment being used is applicable to the particular need at hand. When dealing with psychological reports, it is important to remember to maintain confidentiality when writing the reports and only include that which is necessary for the reader to see and to expand their knowledge on. Often times when writing reports, we tend to be all inclusive with the information. But for the sake of confidentiality it is important to remember to only include that which is necessary for reporting.
Joe Salas
As we have learned throughout this course, there is much qualitative and quantitative aspects when dealing with psychometrics. One of these is the concept of ethical considerations when conduct testing, assessments, or research. As we have learned in our text, there are many ways in which researchers may conduct testing that can be considered unethical. For example, if an educator is attempting to conduct an intelligence or academic assessment on student to understand if he has any type of learning delays, is important that the researcher conducts themselves in a sensible manner. This can include having a thorough rapport with the parents and student prior to and after the assessment is implemented (Price, 2017). This type of “briefing” can better help the student and caregiver’s better insight as to what the test is able to measure and while it may indicate a learning disability, explain the potential resources and course of action. Not implanting these types of ethical considerations in psychometrics can run the risk of not lonely misleading results and data, but potential psychological damage or harm to the patient (Furr, 2018).
Furr, R. & Bacharach, V. (2014). Psychometrics : an introduction. Lod Angeles: SAGE.
Price, L. (2017). Psychometric methods : theory