Disney Surveys Cast Members Annually By Presenting Statements (Relating To Their Managers) To Be Rated On A Seven-Point Scale From “Strongly Agree” To “Strongly Disagree.”
Write a 1 page paper addressing the following:
Topic 1:
Disney surveys cast members annually by presenting statements (relating to their managers) to be rated on a seven-point scale from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.” Choose one of the statements listed below and comment on whether this is a good question to ask employees and how leaders should utilize the results.
• I trust the people on my work team.• I receive the training I need to do my job well.• My work team values different points of view.• My immediate leader deals with me in a truthful manner.• My immediate leader makes the best use of my talents and skills to accomplish team goals.• My immediate leader accepts responsibility for failures as well as successes.• I trust my leader.• If given the choice, I would work with my immediate leaderagain.