Pr project
For your final assignment you will be creating an integrated PR plan for a company of your choice focusing on the incorporation of digital and social tools. You should pick a company of interest and create a social and digital media plan based on the needs or mission of the company. You will need to submit your company of choice for approval by the end of week 3. Keep in mind that, while it is not mandatory, it may be easier to select a company for which you have greater access than just internet research. Your 4-5 page final plan, should include: Overview of the company Background on the company’s current social media/PR strategy Situational analysis on the campaign or issue you are looking at Campaign goals Target audience Tactics and timeline This section should include written materials or mock-ups of the social and digital media you will use (e.g. a social media release, video news release, blogs, social media content etc.) Measurement tools and how they will be used Reference page if applicable for any research you conducted
All assignments should follow APA guidelines. Each assignment should be typed in Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and submitted online on the date it is due. Please use standard (1”) margins and double spacing. Place your name, assignment number, date, and course title in the upper left-hand corner of the first page for every assignment submitted. Submit the document to the assignment dropbox.