patient with heart failure
1. Create an educational handout for a patient with heart failure.
2. Material should be written in a 4th to 6th grade reading level per Microsoft Word. (Hint: to check reading level on Microsoft word go to file-options-proofing-readability).
3. Content should contain the pertinent information for basic understanding by the “patient” on the follow topics:
· pathophysiology
· lifestyle changes; self-monitoring weight, BP, pulse; when to call provider
· medications for management (Choose 3: beta-blocker, furosemide, potassium, ACE inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blockers, digoxin, hydralazine).
Resource Requirements:
You must have 2 references. Only one reference can be a required program textbook (Potter and Perry, Brunner and Suddarth, etc.) Other references must be credible clinician-oriented references, or patient-oriented references (UpToDate, professional nursing organization, professional medical organization, governmental site, etc.) Be sure to use only the clinical-oriented references on credible sites.
Note: This assignment will be submitted through Turn it In. Please review the syllabus in regards to plagiarism.