Psy420 Week1
This assignment helps you get an idea of the foundation that was created for ABA, including who the theorists were, what they did, and with when they did it.
Complete the Theories of Behavior Timeline worksheet.
Theories of Behavior Timeline
Complete the following table by reordering the theorists according to the relevant date (and providing these dates), writing at least 90 words to describe what the particular theorist was known for and a real-world application of the theory.
Name of theorist
Relevant dates
Description of what the theoriest is known for
Real-world application of the theory
I. Pavlov
J. Locke
B.F. Skinner
J. Thorndike
W. Wundt
F. Keller
J. Watson
I. Lovaas
A. Bandura
Ogden Lindsley