Paper On Healthy Sexuality Topic, See Description
The purpose of this assignment is to research one of the topics you have covered in this course. You will collect 10 scholarly research articles written within the last 10 years on a particular topic related to sex and sexuality (i.e. pornography, extramarital affair, teen pregnancy, homosexuality, etc.).
Articles should come from scholarly research sources. You will then write and submit a 10-page paper with the following 3 main sections relevant to these articles:
1. Article Summaries: Summarize the main points of the selected articles.
2. Compare and contrast the information presented in the articles with the content presented in class.
3. Explain how a therapist may use this information on your topic to help a client define healthy sexuality and how having that understanding can help the client make wise decisions in their relationships.
Papers will be written in current APA format and should include a title page, abstract, and reference page which are not part of the 10 body pages of the paper.
The paper should be a minimum of 10 pages of content (this does not include title page, abstract, or reference page).
Course Textbook to be used as a reference.
Balswick, J., & Balswick, J. (2008). Authentic human sexuality: An integrated Christian approach (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. ISBN: 978-0-8308-2883-8.