Creative Psy
You work in an advertising firm, and your company has secured a project to design an advertisement for a budget airline, SCOOSH Pte Ltd. A design team has been established to tackle this design project for SCOOSH.
You have been appointed as the leader of this diverse workgroup. Your team members vary in terms of their gender (male/female), age (Millennials to Generation X), nationality (Singaporeans vs non-Singaporeans) and specialization (business, arts, psychology etc.). Furthermore, they are working together for the very first time on a design project like this.
Based on empirical research on workgroup diversity (e.g., Milliken, Bartel & Kurtzberg, 2003), examine and recommend how you can harness the creative potential in your team to come up with an advertisement for SCOOSH, while avoiding the perils and pitfalls of working in a diverse workgroup.
Recommended/suggested readings:
Relevant articles in the psychological literature (e.g., Journal of Creative Behaviour, Creativity Research Journal etc.) which are related to the above question
~1000 words