Los Angeles Valley College Conflict Dynamics in Sociology Discussion
Memes are a contemporary social statement in a picture. This image came up on my Twitter feed. On top is an image of an armed protestor in the Michigan State Capital (Story here (Links to an external site.) ) Where The President’s critics charged that the protester’s behavior was dangerous in spreading COVID-19, The President saw “responsible” people who have “been treated a little bit rough.” On the bottom is an image of Collin Kaepernick. Collin Kaepernick took a knee as a gesture of protests during the anthem at NFL games against the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the first two police executions Kaepernick stated will never get their lives back (Links to an external site.) .
Unlike Michigan’s protestors lawless, Kaepernick’s peaceful protests broke no laws or even NFL rules. Unlike their behavior which endangered lives, Kaepernick’s protest was to save lives. Yet Kaepernick was considered unpatriotic and even a “Son of a bitch” by the President. (Story here) (Links to an external site.) .
After looking at the meme, identify 1 social dynamic that explains the meme. Using your knowledge from the unit, explain WHY you have selected the social dynamic. Make sure you are inspired by the unit content.