ACU Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Screening Tool Research

On your own, research one of the following screening tools for substance use. If you would like to include one that you found that is not listed here, please feel free to include this in your discussion. C.R.A.F.T. (mnemonic acronym for questions in screening interview)DAST (Drug Abuse Screening Test)AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Screening Test)S2BI (Screening to Brief Intervention)BSATD (Brief Screener for Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs)TAPS (Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medication, and other Substance use)ORT (Opioid Risk Tool)

Again, this is not an inclusive list. Please feel free to research other screening tools to include in your discussions.Discussion

Please answer all of the following question prompts:Briefly describe your screening tool by providing details of its construction and purpose.Would you use this screener? If so, how easy would it be to discuss with a client the results of the screener?Please discuss and explain two pros and two cons of the screener you chose.