Troy University Counselling Psychologist Discussion
For each of the following statements, I would like you to come up with your own reflection of feelings and a paraphrase. Use the following formula to respond: “You feel ______________ because _________________________________.” Remember to use a feeling word (mad, sad, glad, bad – or remember the Disney movie Inside Out) after “You feel.” Without a feeling word, it is a paraphrase and not a reflection of feeling. Notice how everyone else’s response is different, but also correct in the discussion. Feel free to like/comment on those that you think are exceptional.
1. “My eight year old is acting terrible. The school calls me at least once a week because he has hit someone or used profanity. They are considering expelling him. I tried everything to help him, but nothing seems to work.”
Please post a counseling response: “You feel ______________ because _________________________________.”
2. “My grandfather died two weeks ago and everything has been a blur since then. It seems like all I have done in the last two weeks is cry and I want to sleep all of the time. I wonder if things will ever get better.”
Please post a counseling response: “You feel ______________ because _________________________________.”
3. “My wife told me she wants a divorce. How can this be? I have been a devoted husband for years. I never thought this would happen to me. I don’t know what life will be like without her.”
Please post a counseling response: “You feel ______________ because _________________________________.”
4. “I just found out that I am pregnant. How could this happen to me? I’m only 15 years old. I don’t know what I’m going to do. How will I ever tell my parents? They are going to freak out.”
5. “My boyfriend asked me to marry him last night! I love him, but I don’t know if it is the right time.”
Please post a counseling response: “You feel ______________ because _________________________________.”