Plagiarism report is must
Step 1: Asset at Risk will be the organization’s primary e-commerce web server.
Step 2: You will provide this answer based on your research.
Step 3: You will provide this answer based on your research; however, keep in mind how many times per day this is scanning the network, which will be given to your when you receive your topic.
Step 4: You will provide this answer based on your research.
Step 5: Assume the e-Commerce server is fully up-to-date and running the following base software: Red Hat Linux, Apache, MariaDB, Drupal, PHP and is hardened based on base NIST recommendations for operations.
Step 6-7: Calculate
Step 8: Assume Moderate
Step 9: Assume Moderate
10: Calculate and create this chart in excel with the appropriate item highlighted. Include this chart in your paper