Discovering Your Strengths

4-5 pages total (plus a Title and Reference page) with at least 5 peer reviewed references

Strength – Consistent and near perfect performance in an activity

Each person’s talents are enduring and unique and each person’s greatest room for growth is within the areas of her or his greatest strengths.

Remember…your weakness will never become your strength

The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn and focus on maximizing your individual top five strengths and how to apply them to your professional practice.

  1. Take the online Strength Finders Assessment from the text Strength Finders 2.0 / identify your top five strengths.
  2. Read the text book and learn how to maximize and understand your individual top five strengths.

The following outline should help you organize your paper appropriately:


  • Discuss your top five strengths
  • Do you agree with the outcome of your Strength Finder Test (why / why not)
  • What did you learn from your individual strength assessment


  • In your current practice area do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
  • What individual strengths are you currently using in your practice area?
  • What individual strengths are you not using in your practice area?


  • What changes can you make in your practice today that will maximize your top strengths?
  • Where are you planning to practice after graduation (what are your dreams?)
  • Would you have the opportunity to plan to do what you do best every day?