Communication for Consensual Sex Video Review

Watch the following YouTube clips and respond to the following…

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation

programs, the importance of having an effective plan to obtain…

The Impact of Alcohol on Health

Provide an outline of what you will be showing in the presentation. The…

Benefits of Effective Communication when Having Anxiety

This is a group work to write health blogs for Anxiety. My part…

Issues of Pelvic Pain

Review the gynecological versus nongynecological scenarios in…

Lung Cancer Causes and Treatments

Using the PowerPoint presentation and your text, decide on one…

Quantitative Research Critique & Ethical Considerations

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of…

Neisseria Gonorrhea

Present information about Neisseria gonorrhoeae such as when,…

Virus Prevention and Control

Students will select a disease of their choosing and, based on…

Patient Health History

In this course project assignment, you are presented with a medical…