Attributes of a Servant Leader and the  journey of Becoming a Servant Leader

In the journey of life, all of us are “becoming”. The question is…becoming what? As we gently bow in reverence to our Lord JESUS Christ, we pray for His presence, His kingdom to come and His will to be done in us all~ All for His glory, out of love and honor to Him. For the Self-Paced Journal Assignments, each unit will have a focus with specific instructions in the journey of “Becoming a Servant Leader” personally and professionally.


The title of your journal entry should be â€œAttributes of a Servant Leader and the  journey of Becoming a Servant Leader”

Please write clearly, concise and in a professional tone. Please reference any sources as it applies in APA 7th edition format (2019).

  • Throughout this semester, we have studied a variety of Servant Leaders. What attributes have you recognized that were similar? Why are these attributes helpful as a Servant Leader? Were there any attributes that were different amongst the leaders? If so, why? If not, please address, rather than omitting the question.
  • Reflect in the Holy Bible, your textbook and one of the journals studied this semester for your Literature Review. What are common themes about Becoming a Servant Leader?
  • As you are becoming a Servant Leader, what attribute do you want to grow in? Why? What are practical steps you can take to demonstrate this attribute more on a daily basis? How would this help you better lead personally and/or professionally? As you respond, consider meeting the challenging demands of healthcare and/or the community God has you in. While we are at it because we serve a God of impossibilities, do not shy away from even globally (with all the glory be to God).
  • Please feel free to share anything else in your reflection about this process.