Technology Project Proposal
(APA 7th edition format – 5- pages, plus cover and reference page)
Identify a technology project proposal pertinent to your practice environment. (This could be in your current practice or your future APRN or administrative role.) This proposal should include: executive summary, project description, rationale, evidenced based research, goals and objectives, market/financial analysis, proposed project plan inclusive of overall project timeline and budget, evaluation and measurement plan, and a contingency plan (alternative assumptions and strategies). Integrate into the executive summary a discussion of how this particular project will “fit” in improving the current healthcare delivery environment in terms of access, quality, and cost. Submit assignment by due date.
Rubric (APA / 5- pages, plus cover and reference page)
Include the ‘sub-titles’ below in your scholarly paper.
25% Executive summary (include how this project will ‘fit’ into improving the current healthcare delivery system environment in terms of access, quality and cost).
15% Project description, rationale, and the evidenced-based research (what does the literature say?) on your proposed project
15% Goals and objectives (of the project)
15% Market/financial analysis (budget)
20% Proposed project plan (inclusive of overall project timeline, and how are you are you going to measure the outcomes?)
10% Conclusion
No AI technology