Nursing 6321 Curriculum development, assessment and evaluation.

Planning Guide Medical/Health Center



Setting: Medical/Health Center



Evaluation Planning


In order to complete your Evaluation Plan, consider the guidelines in each section for gathering your data and information. Take careful notes to reference when you prepare your Part 4: Evaluation Plan Module Assignment that will be due in Week 10.



1: Learner-Level Evaluation


Use the following points to help guide your research and thinking.


·       Outline the assessment tools and methods that you would use to collect data on each learner (i.e., staff nurse in the education program).


·       Consider a course/learning experience in your medical/health center staff nursing training/professional development education program to be the focus of this Assignment:


o   Identify the evaluation models (conceptual, benchmarking, evaluation process, formative, or summative) that apply to your staff nursing course/learning experience, and consider how you would explain your choices.


o   Identify the evaluation strategies (observation, written communication, oral communication, simulation, self-evaluation) that apply to your staff nursing course/learning experience, and consider how you would explain your choices.


·       Based on your choices, describe the learner-level evaluation plan for your nursing staff course/learning experience that is the focus of this Assignment.




2: Course/Learning Experience-Level Evaluation


Use the following points to help guide your research and thinking.


·       Consider end-of-course/learning experience outcomes that you will identify for the course/learning experience that is the focus of this Assignment.


·       Outline the assessment tools and methods that you would use to collect data on these outcomes.


·       Identify the evaluation models (conceptual, benchmarking, evaluation process, formative, or summative) that apply to the course/learning experience that is your focus for this Assignment. Also consider how these models would apply to other courses/learning experiences in the staff nursing education program that you have designed.


·       Reflect on how you would explain your reasoning for the models you select.


·       Based on your choices, describe the evaluation plan for your nursing staff course/learning experience that is the focus of this Assignment.



3: Program-Level Evaluation


Use the following points to help guide your research and thinking.


·       Consider program-level evaluation models that apply to your nursing staff training/professional development education program.


·       Reflect on how you would explain your reasoning for the models you select.



4: Master Plan of Evaluation


·       Collate and combine your thinking into an overall evaluation plan that addresses all three levels: learner, course/learning experience, and program.


Assignment: Course Evaluation


To Prepare:

  • Review the document, “Part 4 Planning Guide: Evaluation Plan [your chosen setting],” in this week’s Learning Resources, to guide your preparation of Part 4 of the Course Project.
  • Using the Part 4 Planning Guide, gather data and other information for a nursing, patient, or other health education program that aligns with the evaluation plan of your specific setting.
  • Begin planning your research and gathering data to inform development of your evaluation plan.

Assignment (3–4 pages):

Based on your research and the data that you gathered through your Part 4 Planning Guide, include the following:

  • An explanation of the basis for a Master Plan of Evaluation at the learner, course/learning experience, and program levels:
    • An explanation of the learner-level evaluation strategies (e.g., observation, written communication, oral communication, simulation, self-evaluation) that apply to education programs in your setting, and your reasoning. Use the Learning Resources and/or the best available evidence from current literature to support your explanation.
    • An explanation of the course/learning experience-level evaluation models (e.g., conceptual, benchmarking, formative, summative) that apply to education programs in your setting, and your reasoning. Use the Learning Resources and/or the best available evidence from current literature to support your explanation.
    • An explanation of the program-level evaluation models you would apply and your reasoning. Use the Learning Resources and/or the best available evidence from current literature to support your explanation.